Rarity | Grassroot Greats EVO |
Rating | +15 74 |
Pace | +16 92 |
Shooting | +18 88 |
Passing | +18 84 |
Physical | +10 82 |
Agility | +22 94 |
Balance | +22 94 |
Reactions | +50 90 |
Composure | +50 90 |
Ball control | +22 95 |
Dribbling | +22 95 |
Position | ST |
Skillmoves | +4 4 |
PlayStyle+ | Technical 2 |
PlayStyle | Flair 10 |
PlayStyle+ | Trickster 2 |
Role++ | Advanced Forward (ST) |
Role+ | False 9 (ST) |
Rarity | In-Progress Evolution |
Rating | +7 74 |
Pace | +8 92 |
Passing | +18 84 |
Agility | +22 94 |
Skillmoves | +4 4 |
PlayStyle | Trickster 10 |
Play 2 matches in any mode using your active EVO player in game. |
Rarity | In-Progress Evolution |
Rating | +8 74 |
Shooting | +9 88 |
Physical | +10 82 |
Reactions | +50 90 |
Composure | +50 90 |
PlayStyle | Technical 10 |
Win 2 matches in any mode using your active EVO player in game. |
Rarity | In-Progress Evolution |
Pace | +8 92 |
Balance | +22 94 |
Position | ST |
PlayStyle+ | Technical 2 |
PlayStyle | Flair 10 |
Role+ | False 9 (ST) |
Score at least 1 goal with your active EVO player in 3 separate matches in any mode. |
Rarity | Grassroot Greats EVO |
Shooting | +9 88 |
Ball control | +22 95 |
Dribbling | +22 95 |
PlayStyle+ | Trickster 2 |
Role++ | Advanced Forward (ST) |
Score 2 goals with your active EVO player in any mode. |
Play 3 matches in any mode using your active EVO player in game. |