Squad name Formation Rating Attack Midfield Defense Chemistry

best everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

11 months ago

4-3-1-2 94 95 93 92 93

messi the goat

11 months ago

4-3-3 93 95 92 91 99

best draft attack

11 months ago

3-4-3 95 96 94 95 87

best ever attack in hist

11 months ago

3-4-3 94 96 93 92 73


11 months ago

4-3-1-2 93 94 93 93 78

suiiiiiiii 99 and kante

11 months ago

4-3-3 (4) 95 95 94 94 100


1 year ago

4-2-2-2 92 92 92 89 100


1 year ago

4-3-3 (5) 94 94 94 93 100


1 year ago

4-3-3 (4) 94 93 93 93 100