Squad name Formation Rating Attack Midfield Defense Chemistry


6 years ago

4-5-1 87 84 86 82 100


6 years ago

4-5-1 85 87 83 84 100


6 years ago

3-4-1-2 89 91 85 87 100

TOTW Upgrade

6 years ago

4-4-2 83 83 83 82 50

Ex Liverpool

6 years ago

3-4-2-1 87 90 86 80 52

Vote The Team Out (2)

6 years ago

4-4-1-1 84 82 81 87 86

First in a while

6 years ago

4-5-1 87 92 85 87 100

Vote The Team Out (1)

6 years ago

4-4-1-1 85 86 81 87 85


6 years ago

4-2-3-1 (2) 81 82 77 81 100

Vote The Team Out (19)

6 years ago

3-5-2 27 82 0 84 6

Vote The Team Out (18)

6 years ago

3-5-2 38 82 81 84 9

Liverpool Career Mode S2

6 years ago

4-3-3 84 83 84 83 85


6 years ago

4-3-3 (2) 86 89 83 85 100


6 years ago

4-2-4 87 89 83 82 100

Vote The Team Out (17)

6 years ago

3-5-2 48 82 80 84 15

Vote The Team Out (16)

6 years ago

3-5-2 56 82 80 81 21

Vote The Team Out (15)

6 years ago

3-5-2 64 82 80 81 36

Vote The Team Out (14)

6 years ago

3-5-2 70 85 80 81 42

Vote The Team Out (13)

6 years ago

3-5-2 75 85 81 81 54

Vote The Team Out (12)

6 years ago

3-5-2 79 85 82 81 69


6 years ago

4-3-3 (4) 87 87 86 85 93

Vote The Team Out (11)

6 years ago

3-5-2 81 85 82 81 81

Vote The Team Out (10)

6 years ago

3-5-2 82 85 82 81 99

Vote The Team Out (9)

6 years ago

3-5-2 84 85 84 81 99

Vote The Team Out (8)

6 years ago

3-5-2 84 86 84 81 99